The word EMPOWERMENT is often used by many. It certainly sounds empowering however and wherever you use this word.
Women are being empowered. Employees are being empowered. Youth are being empowered. Marginalized communities are being empowered. Children are being empowered.
Empower is defined as 'to give power or authority to'.
So where there is empowerment, it seems to indicate that someone more powerful, stronger or of a higher authority must be doing the empowering. And there's usually a sense of nobility on the part of the empowerer.
I must confess that I used to take pleasure in being an empowerer. There were times when it was pure ego at play and the good feeling arose from a sense of being better or more capable than those being empowered. There were also times when it was pure altruism and the immense satisfaction came from having helped some people shifted towards a higher plane of consciousness or confidence.
Then, I had the notion that not everyone is born equal. Some beings are just better than others. So I thought it's only right for the better ones to empower the less abled lot. And for anyone to play the role of an empowerer, he/she would have some sense of superiority complex, heightened confidence and even arrogance. I had them all.
Just as some people get addicted to the egoistic high of being empowerers, some others get used to being empowered and lose themselves in playing the taker role cyclically. A condition may arise unconsciously that the people involved may get typesetted into enacting the same roles perpetually. If you pay attention, you'll see such role-acting perpetuating in many organizations, and that includes my own business organization.
As my belief evolved to see all beings as one and the same at their very core, the word Empowerment began to take on a whole new meaning. It is less of a superior act now but rather a higher process of facilitating each other in collective soul evolution. I became more aware of my "起心动念", translated as "that which raises the will and moves the thought", or simply the "sponsoring thought".
I began to appreciate the interplay that the giver and the receiver dance to, through the empowerment process. As I dropped the egoistic lens, I see how the giving and receiving flow both ways between the empowerer and those being empowered, helping one another in their respective soul evolution journeys towards self-realization.
Today, I'm still just as busy-body in seeking out opportunity to empower others. But I'm more mindful of my sponsoring thought in intending the process and more aware of staying humble to receiving the 'gifts' that flow from the people I'm helping. When empowerment originates from true seva, it becomes a divine dance that benefits all involved.
Digital Expression Contest - "What's In A Smile?"
After 2 weeks of preparation - taking digital photos, editing photos with PhotoShop and creating PowerPoint slides - the teams were finally ready to show-off their presentations. Due to unpredictable power outage, we managed to get permission from the HCL Guesthouse where we were staying to allow the students and teachers to hold the presentation at the snooker room. Unless there is a storm, the power supply in HCL Guesthouse is always reliable. Teacher Anindita invited 4 volunteers to form the judging panel.
The student presenters performed very well and even the teachers were pleasantly surprised. We were extremely happy with the learning outcome. Even though the slides were simple, they were able to express their ideas clearly. We hope the knowledge and skills they acquired through this experiential 'game' would help them to communicate more impactfully the tribal school challenges to the outside world henceforth.
The past 2 weeks had also been very gainful for Robyn as this was her first attempt at coaching students on IT learning. Through the process of giving in seva, Robyn has received as much, if not, even more.
Teachers and students came to HCL Guesthouse for the Digital Expression Presentation
Invited volunteer judges.
All hears for the presenters.
Sanjib, the smiling presenter.
Chadan, the forceful presenter.
Jeten, the charismatic presenter.
Sunanda, the passionate presenter.
Robyn helped coordinated the presentation.
This boy presented a poem so moving that one judge to tear.
Jin gave a presentation on our seva experience.
The students put up a skit so funny but also so meaningful about why education is important.
The Digital Expression teams with teachers and volunteer judges and us.
11 May 2011 - Poem Recitation Filming at Kalchiti Primary School
On our visit to Kalchiti Primary School, we had decided to do a filming of the students' recitation of a poem that they created with their teachers. It's so meaningful a poem about life and when recited by the entire school, it's so beautiful and touching. We decided to have the subtitles hand-written in large sheets and hand-carried in by the students. Jin spent 3 weeks creating these subtitle sheets.
We had a smooth and enjoyable filming this morning at Kalchiti.
Subtitle sheets created by Jin, being presented to teacher Deben.
The children were elated to watch the video playback on our MacBook Pro.
We went class by class to show them the video playback and the kids were just so excited.
These kids have never seen themselves live on a computer screen.
Robyn showing the children their drawings being voted upon on Facebook.
Robyn teaching the children the Singapore game of Chi-Ku-Ba! Soon.
Jin also taught the kids the Bomb game. Soon, there were various groups yelling "Apple bomb, apple bomb, apple bomb to chili bomb..."
Alvin in the queue for tiffin!
We were so happy with these kids at Kalchiti, and will definitely miss them all.
We also hope that the poem recital video will be put to good use later to let the world know the talents in these tribal children.
13 May 2011 - End of School Term + Guruji's Birthday Celebration + Prize Presentation + Our Last Day at Ghatsila
We began the day with a visit to Babuline Primary School to present the prizes to the winners of the Arts Festival drawing competition.
Good bye, Babuline kids and teachers. We wish you all happy studying, gain good knowledge and serve the tribal community well.
We then joined the teachers at Hindoljuri Middle School for the celebration there.
Many students had prepared dance and song performances. Robyn with the student performers.
The teachers presented a special gift to Robyn for her contribution.
The teachers presented a handmade card each to Alvin and Jin too.
It was a combined celebration for Hindoljuri Primary and Middle Schools.
Joshna and Sonia were among the graceful Indian traditional dancers.
Young performers from the Primary School.
Everyone enjoyed the performances.
The skit acted by Jeten and his classmates was so funny that the entire student body burst into laughter.
What a nice day to smile, it's Guruji's birthday!
The teachers were laughing away as well.
Kids, kids, kids... so photogenic!
There were all kinds of interesting expression amongst the kids that my Nikon D90 just had a whale of a time firing away...
I hope to gather enough shots on FACES for publication in the near future...
We announced the Facebook voting results and awarded the prizes.
Alvin was invited on stage to say his parting speech and he got all the kids cheered up.
Teachers with invited guests, Swapan and us.
Students queued up orderly for sweets before dismissal.
Robyn and her best of pal from Class 9 Hindoljuri Middle School: Sunanda, Joshna and Babita.
Sunanda and Robyn are so good buddies that Sunanda shed tear as she waved farewell.
"Bye bye, Robyn. Come back soon!"
It was an emotional farewell, especially for Sunanda.
13 May 2011 - Ghatsila to Kolkata
After the celebration at Hindoljuri Middle School, we left in the afternoon for Kolkata with Swapan. We stayed with Chawlaji in his home till we left for Delhi on 19 May.
Staying with Chawlaji and Aunt Bimla, and her sister Aunt Kanta.
We enjoyed many homely hours of interesting chats with Chawlaji and Aunt Bimla.
Robyn mixing Vital Meridian herbal essence with Magnolia essential oil for Chawlaji.
Robyn doing Meridian 101 guasha on Chawlaji's lung meridian to help with his sensitive sinus condition.
14 May - Sri Sri Academy
Chawlaji brought us to visit Sri Sri Academy, a high class nursery to primary level school in the Kolkata city.
This school targets the affluent families and it boasts the best of child educational facilities. It's a world of contrasting difference to what we have seen in tribal schools. It even has an aircon playground equipped with the latest play facilities in its basement.
14 May - India Wedding
Chawlaji also brought us to attend the wedding of an AOL devotee. It was kind of a gatecrash and quite an experience for us. It was a huge event with a huge crowd.
We met many other AOL teachers and devotees at the wedding. And we enjoyed a buffet that boosted a fantastic spread of delicacies.
15 May - Kolkata City Tour
Thanks to Chawlaji, we were booked on a city tour as an introduction to the various tourist spots of historical significance in Kolkata.
It was a hot day but we enjoyed visiting Kali temple, Police Museum, Netaji Museum, Ramakrishna temple, Jain temple and St Paul Church.