Colours Of Life
The Yongs' Pic Album since 1998
World Seva 2011
Robyn's Diary
About the Yongs


5th Year: 2003
- Bye Bye Beloved Great Granny
- Oepning of Kg Glam Ceramic Art Club
- Bel'Air Awards Night
- Climbing Wall at TOUCH Diabetic Support Centre
- Western Australia Driveabout
- Auntie Pauline's Birthday
- Uncle Tony's Birthday
- Children's Day at Botanic Garden & Birth of Cousin Eugene Kong
- Dancing Atoms Class
- Ceramic Fair @ Esplanade & Johor Driveabout to Kota Tinggi, Mersing & Sedili
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5 Jan 2003 - Decease of Beloved Great Granny

My beloved late Great Granny

My beloved Great Granny had a fall on Christmas Eve night, 24 Dec 2002, and sustained a hip fracture. She underwent an operation in Gleneagle Hospital by Dr Liang and was subsequently admitted to Westpoint Hospital for rehab.

Unfortunately, bed-ridden Great Granny suffered secondary infections (pneumonia and urinary tract infections) and passed away peacefully on 19 Jan 2003 at 4.52pm, at the age of 97.

We all love you dearly, Great Granny. You shall live on in our heart and memory.

Great Granny, Mummy and Robyn at the Westpoint Hospital

Visiting Great Granny at Westpoint Hospital.

I love taking care of Great Granny

Robyn loves to take care of Great Granny.


12 Jan 2003 - SAC Spring Cleaning for the Old Folks at Kim Tian

It's the time of the year to volunteer our service to help do spring cleaning for the old folks at Kim Tian Road, organised by the Singapore Adventurers' Club.

This year, I helped to wash toilet!

Robyn washing toilet


25 Jan 2003 - Grandpa & Grandma off to China for Uncle Melvin's Wedding

The Yongs at the Changi Airport

Send-off party for Grandpa and Grandma, who were bound for China for Uncle Melvin's wedding.


31 Jan 2003 - Chinese New Year Re-union Dinner

The Tai Family

The Tai's celebrating Chinese New Year at an Indonesian Restaurant

Brenda, Robyn, Denise and Wen Wen

Brenda, Robyn, Denise and Wen Wen



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